Really Useful TERA Mystic Tips and Tricks

Mystic is the what? In a nutshell, Mystics are highly mobile sockets for all industry support roles. We usually have enough heals to support solo healing a party through all content. We can through the knowledge to make clearing content both faster and more efficient. Also while we do have pets they are not a main focus of the class and aside from the Fairy (which is used as a self-heal) you probably won't find yourself using the pets often. If your looking for a pet class my answer would be Tera does not have one despite the mystic having some.

A Mystic takes an unusual path, with combat pets at her sides, wielding magical powers to harm and heal, empowering her allies while cursing her enemies. Mystics have amazing maneuverability. They channel powerful auras that enhance whole groups. They summon allies to draw aggro, to fight, or to heal and can summon their entire party from one location to another.

Mystics make their comrades better at what they do.

They drop healing orbs and apply short-term boosts to attack power and speed. At the same time, they can also restore mana to the whole party—by sucking the life force out of their enemies.

Mystics can quickly provide in-battle enhancement and replenishment while offering first class crowd control and respectable damage. Mystic is an alternative to the Priest of TERA Online. It is a healing class but trades some of its healing power for debuffs, buffs, and crowd-control.


  • Can Resurrect members.
  • Good aoe, and nice single target.
  • Good group skills- able to provide mana, health and movement buffs to the party, as well as power-ups, dispels and CC.
  • Fantastic Escapism - their "blink" ability can move you away from danger, quick enough to escape danger and cast a quick healing orb.
  • Fantastic CC capabilities and this will help if additional aggro is gained or helping the group in a dungeon. Our teleport and glyphs relating to it also make us incredibly mobile and hard to pin down in PvP.


  • Mana can disappear fairly quickly if over using some combo abilities.
  • The Mystic is hard to play healing and support class in TERA Online that is definitely not for everyone.
  • Squishy -  As mystics have low defense and health, they're extremely squishy, and do require a lot of protection from their party members. This means that if caught mystics can be killed fairly quickly if no chance for escape or protection is given.
  • The mystic relies on the thrill of life, or using one of their Arun's Vitae to heal themselves, and thus remembering to do so can get missed and therefore they can die a lot, compared to that of a priest, who has an instant cast self-heal.

What Aura's Should I be using?
Assuming you have access to all 4 Auras it breaks down like this:
For almost all situations, you will want to want to run crit rates and MP Regen, for most instances, the extra kill power of the crit rate buff and the utility of the MP regen buff far outweighs the defensive factors of increased run speed or crit resist. However, this is not always the case. In PvP you will often find it beneficial to use Crit to resist buffs.

- Vitae orbs will remove all debuffs as well. In fights where purging debuffs are important, remind your allies to pick them up.

- Always pay attention to your mana - If you drop below 75%, use your mana infusion if it's off cool-down.

- Also, pay attention to your health. Make sure wherever you are, you have access to Vitae orbs, because these are the only way you can heal yourself without potions.

- One of the best ways is to "pre-lay" orbs around the area you're fighting. This means you can regenerate mana before any fight, and know that if for whatever reason you do die, that your group can survive long enough till the mob/boss is dead or they've managed to resurrect you.

- Blessing Release. This strips all the buffs off of enemies within 8 yards. Being able to remove every single buff from an enemy is huge. The problem is this skill only has an 8m range (of yourself), which makes using it very dangerous. What you want to do is in the group is to ride into the center of a group of enemies, drop this skill, then use your teleport skill to get away before you get blown up. If you teleport into a group of enemies to use this skill, you are going to get stunned or knocked down and be dead at the start of the fight, so be sure to keep Teleport handy.


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