What are Pros and Cons of Gunner and Archer in TERA?

I’m a total newbie at this game, so I want class which is great in PVE and PVP, more in PVP to be honest, I’ve made a Gunner, it’s nice , but I don’t know... a bit boring, but he’s a bit thug, boom blast and GG. So what are pros and cons of Gunner and archer, I’ve been browsing and saw that Archer got more dps and mobility. and also what race is the best for archer, just don’t say it that it’s fucking bear.

I've played a lot of Gunner and quite a bit Archer. In terms of 1v1 and large-scale PVP, I'd say Gunner comes out on top. So archer is extremely bugged right now:

1. Focus doesn't build with rapid fire

2. our charge shots are being replaced by Sequential arrow

3. slows sometimes apply

4. stun kick doesn't stun at all

Other than the bugs. The best tips I can give are

1. Use tenacity with the 150% glyph which adds an extra 15 seconds of 150% balance +

2. be sure to dodge towards your traps that haven't been triggered.

3. the first shot of your rapid fire staggers... make sure to abuse that often.

4. Huge tip I personally use and don't see any other Archers using. Recovers X HP when skills hit target.

5. Another huge tip some archers don't learn fast is our self heal. Make sure you use feign death with the rate glyph for 3% hp return. You can pop this skill and move your toon to activate the heal but atil l stay fighting.

Gunner - Rocket Jump, Roll (with a chance to reset), and a Melee Swing Attack that propels you forward

Archer - Leap (iframe), Backleap (iframe), Charge (no iframe)

Gunners win in the mobility department just because of how far their evasive abilities take them. Archers have two short leaps and one long charge (with a small delay), while Gunners have little to no delay on their evasives. However, the cooldowns for Archer's evasives are pretty short when glyphed, so it's easier to dance around mobs compared to the Gunner, who will likely have to rely on kiting them properly.

Gameplay (PVE Rotations)

Gunner - Big Blue Ball -> Reload -> Another Big Blue Ball -> Rain of Bullets -> Big Blue Laser Beam -> Shotgun -> Machine Gun-> Repeat

Archer - Rapid Fire Arrows -> Charged Arrow -> Big Blue Arrow Laser Beam -> Rain of Arrows -> Charged Arrows -> Repeat

Like I said before, Gunner is much more mobile than an archer. A lot of the archer's moves (Rapid Fire/Big Blue/Rain) all require the Archer to stand still while casting it while the Gunner has a small cast time on Rain/Big Blue Ball and is invincible while they are casting Big Blue Laser Beam.

I'd talk a bit more about PVP but I haven't done any serious PVP in a while. Gunner's have the advantage in 1v1s because they have a small companion (HB1) that heals them and can summon a turret to do chip damage, in addition to their high knockdown/mobile skillset. Gunner vs Archer is a pretty one-sided matchup and I'd be impressed if the Archer won.

Gunner is much easier to play and much more forgiving. At a low skill level, you are likely to be outdpsing many Archers due to the mere fact that you have more survivability/take less damage than the Archer. In PVP, you are very strong 1v1 and large-scale because your CC's are stuns/knockdowns rather than stuns/snares. Having played both, they are both fairly fun to play. My recommendation is just to play both and see what you like about each class.


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